venerdì 31 gennaio 2025

Oltre il Modello Standard: leptoni, quark et al.

Nuovo appuntamento con i link post degli articoli usciti di recente. Iniziamo con Diffusion of heavy quarks in the early stage of high-energy nuclear collisions, che in un certo senso mi ricorda il mio lavoro per la tesi di laurea (che però non portò a nulla di serio):
We study the diffusion of heavy quarks in the early stage of highenergy nuclear collisions. The pre-equilibrium stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, commonly known as Glasma, evolves according to the classical Yang-Mills equations. Heavy quarks are coupled to the evolving Glasma fields via relativistic kinetic theory. We compute the momentum broadening, σp as well as the angular momentum fluctuations of heavy quarks in the early stage, which turn out to be anisotropic due to the anisotropy of the background gluon fields. We observe that σp ∝ t2 at very initial times. This non-Markovian diffusion of heavy quarks in the early stages is explained by the memory effect present in the gluon fields.
Visto che siamo nei dintorni del nucleo, eccovi su un piatto d'argento The strength of the interaction between quarks and gluons, un articolo a metà strada tra il teorico e lo sperimentale che cerca di capire il futuro di ciò che può ancora fare LHC e i suoi eredi.
Sempre sui quark c'è anche Mapping spatial distributions within pseudoscalar mesons, da cui vi estraggo la parte finale dell'abstract:
With a suitable input distribution function, guided either by experiment or theory, and with an appropriate choice of the profile function, it is possible to provide testable predictions for spatial distributions of valence quarks inside pseudoscalar mesons. When comparison is possible, these predictions align well with existing experimental data as well as the findings of reliable theoretical approaches and lattice QCD.
Il riferimento ai reticoli mi stimola idee interessanti, devo dire. Torniamo, però, nei dintorni dell'LHC con Heavy neutral leptons and top quarks in effective field theory, lasciando per ultimo l'interessantissimo Inflationary scenarios beyond the Standard Model:
The aim of this chapter is to explain in clear and pedagogical terms how some particle-physics models and/or mechanisms can naturally lead to inflation and how this can provide testable predictions that can help us find new physics effects. Two well-established features of theoretical particle physics are linked to an essential property of inflation, a naturally-flat inflaton potential: (1) scale invariance, broken by small quantum corrections, and (2) Goldstone's theorem. It is also illustrated how to combine several scenarios of this type to obtain a rather general particle-physics motivated inflationary setup.
P.S.: ho dovuto fare un po' di fretta perché tra lavoro e promozione del libro in uscita settimana prossima, oggi sono andato un po' lungo e ora a casa vogliono vedere Netflix!
L'immagine in apertura è stata generata utilizzando NightCafe

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