Iniziamo con Ultimate light-shining-through-a-wall experiments to establish QCD axions as the dominant form of dark matter:
Establishing the axion as the dark matter (DM) particle after a haloscope discovery typically requires follow-up experiments to break the degeneracy between the axion’s coupling to photons and its local DM abundance. Given that a discovery would justify more significant investments, we explore the prospects of ambitious light-shining-through-a-wall (LSW) setups to probe the QCD axion band. Leveraging the excellent mass determination in haloscopes, we show how to design LSW experiments with lengths on the order of 100 km and suitably aligned magnetic fields with apertures of around 1 m to reach well-motivated axion models across up to four orders of magnitude in mass. Beyond presenting a concrete plan for postdiscovery experimental efforts, we briefly discuss complementary experiments and future directions beyond LSW experiments.Anche sugli assioni è centrato Time modulation of weak nuclear decays as a probe of axion dark matter, che, si arXiv, propone anche un modo per testare la cosa grazie agli esperimenti nei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
L'ultimo articolo che vi propongo, sempre da arXiv, propone i solitoni come contributori light della materia oscura. Per solitoni si intendono delle "onde solitarie" che vennero per la prima volta osservate nell'Union Canal in Scozia nel 1834 da John Scott Russell. E', quindi, un fenomeno tutto sommato nuovo e ancora in fase di studio avanzato.
L'articolo, Vortices and rotating solitons in ultralight dark matter, parte dalla semplice constatazione che, sotto le opportune condizioni, i solitoni compaiono anche nelle soluzioni dell'equazione di Schrodinger:
The dynamics of ultralight dark matter with non-negligible self-interactions are determined by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation rather than by the Vlasov equation of collisionless particles. This leads to wave-like effects, such as interferences, the formation of solitons, and a velocity field that is locally curl-free, implying that vorticity is carried by singularities associated with vortices. Using analytical derivations and numerical simulations in 2D, we study the evolution of such a system from stochastic initial conditions with nonzero angular momentum. Focusing on the Thomas-Fermi regime, where the de Broglie wavelength of the system is smaller than its size, we show that a rotating soliton forms in a few dynamical times. The rotation is not associated with a large orbital quantum number of the wave function. Instead, it is generated by a regular lattice of vortices that gives rise to a solid-body rotation in the continuum limit. Such rotating solitons have a maximal radius and rotation rate for a given central density, while the vortices follow the matter flow on circular orbits. We show that this configuration is a stable minimum of the energy at fixed angular momentum and we check that the numerical results agree with the analytical derivations. We expect most of these properties to extend to the 3D case where point vortices would be replaced by vortex rings.Con questo è tutto. Appuntamento al prossimo link post di ricerca!
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